

The ClaSSD1 gene of Colletotrichum lagenarium is involved in withstanding plant defence responses

Shigeyuki Tanaka1, Kayo Yabumoto1, Richard O’Connell1, Gento Tsuji1, Hironori Koga2, Tomonori Shiraishi3 and Yasuyuki Kubo1

1Laboratory of Plant Pathology, Graduate school of Agriculture, Kyoto Prefectural University, Kyoto. 2Research Institute of Agricultural Resources, Ishikawa Agricultural College, Ishikawa. 3Laboratory of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan. a0011015@kpu.ac.jp

By random insertional mutagenesis with Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation (AtMT) of Colletotrichum lagenarium, the causal agent of anthracnose of cucumber, we isolated pathogenicity deficient mutant Lf2754. The disrupted region contained a deduced reading frame showing significant homology to budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae SSD1 which is involved in resistance to PR-5 proteins, and we named this gene ClaSSD1. We isolated disrupted mutants of the ClaSSD1 gene by target gene disruption through introducing disruption construct with AtMT. The classd1 mutants showed attenuated pathogenicity to intact cucumber cotyledons. However, appressoria of those mutants retained penetration ability and formed penetration hyphae effectively into cellulose membranes. Also, those mutants retained invasive growth ability and formed anthracnose lesions after wounded inoculation. We observed the infection process of the classd1 mutants on the host plant with transmission electron microscopy. Protrusion of penetration pegs and elongation of penetration hyphae into the host epidermal tissue were not observed due to a host cellular response accompanied by papilla formation. These results indicated that ClaSSD1 is involved in withstanding plant defense responses encountered during penetration from appressoria. We also isolated gene knock out mutants for an orthologue of SSD1 in Magnaporthe grisea, a causal agent of rice blast, and confirmed that the mutants produced fewer lesions on rice leaves than the wild type. This results indicated that the gene is also essential for pathogenicity of M.grisea.


 本研究では、宿主植物に自己DNAを導入する細菌であるAgrobacterium tumefaciensを利用した形質転換法であるAgrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation (AtMT法)を植物病原糸状菌であるウリ類炭そ病菌(Colletotrichum lagenarium)において利用し、糸状菌ゲノムにランダムに外来遺伝子を導入することで病原性関連遺伝子欠損株の作出を試みました。その結果、C. lagenariumの宿主植物であるキュウリに対し弱病原性を示す変異株が得られました。この変異株における欠損遺伝子を単離・同定した結果、出芽酵母のSSD1遺伝子と相同性を示し、この遺伝子をClaSSD1遺伝子と命名しました。本遺伝子破壊株は、潜在的には植物への感染能力を保持しているにもかかわらず、その感染行動は植物の防御応答により抑制されていることを明らかにしました。また、イネにいもち病を引き起こす植物病原糸状菌であるイネいもち病菌(Magnaporthe grisea)においてもSSD1相同遺伝子の破壊株を作出しました。その結果、M. griseaにおいても破壊株はイネに対する病原性の低下を示し、植物の防御応答により感染行動が抑制されていることを明らかにしました。
